Thursday, July 9, 2009

Transparency promotes quality?

For a while now, I have been fan of Paul Levy, the President and CEO of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston. I studied his turnaround of BIDMC when I was doing the Advanced Management Programme in Harvard 2007, but it is how he has advocated transparency in management and quality through his blog that I am really a fan of.

It is not uncommon that he publishes communication with his staff on various issues. Here is one from his Director Critical Care Quality...

The good thing is, he does not publishes only the good stuff but also when things go wrong. I believe this creates direct pressure on his hospital to make the necessary improvements while they celebrate when they achieve success. It is a double edge sword that Paul Levy has used to good effects.

So far, my sense for BIDMC is that transparency does seems to promote quality... you think?

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