Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The Singapore Flyer Outage... let's take it in the spirit of christmas

The various media today were flooded with news about the Singapore Flyer power failure with over 170 people stuck for more than 6 hours. It must have been quite a ride for the people stuck up there, and one where many will remember for many years to come. The bright spark in this "storm" is many will continue to talk about Singapore back in their own country, and hopefully the better part of their visit as well.

As I watch snippets of the media conference, I saw a tired General Manager of Singapore Flyer with ruffled hair trying to explain various aspects leading to the flyer failure. True, there are many questions that need to be answered, improvements that can be made, service recovery to be done. However, I am concerned that in the Singapore culture that we have come to know of, he may have to take responsibility and resign. I hope that I will be proven wrong, provided no wilful neglect is uncovered in the investigation. Can we be a society that is big-hearted enough to accept that something can go wrong and learn to be better?

It is Christmas time, let the spirit of the season show.

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