Thursday, December 4, 2008

Learning to Let Go...

Today, I am reminded of a quote from a poster - "If you love something, set it free. If it comes back to you, it is yours. If it doesn't, it never was."

The problem with individuals like me is that sometimes I hang on to a task too tightly because I feel responsible for the outcome and the wellbeing of people involved . However, in doing so, it can stifle the team's effort, creativity and morale, without possibly improving the outcome. Moreover, one becomes a better leader getting done through others than always trying to get things done ourselves.

Today, I fell into this trap. But, fortunately I manage to catch myself trudging into this vicious cycle. I stepped back, apologised for my folly and told the team the quote above. They looked visibly relieved and encouraged.

I am sorry for doing this sometimes, but yet I am human. Tell me next time and I will appreciate it.

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