I was driving home from work together and as usual I was tuned to 938Live - the most happening station!
After headline news, the radio DJs were discussing the merits of the US Vice-Presidential debate today between Palin and Biden. The conclusion was that Palin came across as "shallow" and kept going back to canned answers whereas Biden was "at least answering the questions". The verdict seemed to be that Biden won but does it matter?
One of the DJ said that Palin could actually take a leaf off Obama in public speaking and she referred to a new book "Say it Like Obama" and that piqued my interest.
I did a search on the book and found review of the book. The review certainly made the book worth the read. On occasions I have enjoyed public speaking - like the experience that I had today addressing a group of Johnson & Johnson executives from their group of companies from all over the world. There was a sense of connection and I felt I was speaking from my heart. My guess is that I made the connection with the audience and the feeling was great! There were other times, however, when I felt awful about public speaking and wished I could have done better - much better. This book seems filled with practical example that I could learn a thing or two. During the few times that I saw Obama in action on TV, I too marvel at how he was able to hold the audience.
I look set to head down to the Kunikuniya bookstore tomorrow and pick up the book. Let's see if it is really worth the read...
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