I am actually quite surprised at the "Hits" that my blog (www.icansmell.blogspot.com) is beginning to attract!
About a month ago, when I was interviewed by Shin Min newspaper regarding my blog entry on "How do we give way to ambulance?" and my motivation for blogging, my "Hit Counter" at the end of my blog registered some 1200 hits. Today, the number of hits has since exceeded 2400 - modest by most measures, but still significant because this is a personal blogsite.
Lately, I also received a comments regarding my blog - all of which were directed to me via email instead of a direct comment against my blog entry. I am encouraged by all the comments. I am glad that some of my entries were found to be encouraging and motivational to some readers; and I am also happy to note that my "spur of the moment" Mosquito Art was quite widely shared as well. Today, I received an email from a colleague complimenting me for my diligence in updating my blog and at the same time reminding me of an essential typo in my "Means Testing" entry yesterday.
What have learnt so far since I started blogging?
1. It is actually quite fun!
2. When I take time to record my significant thoughts and experience, I sealed them into my long term memory...
3. Writing helps me with my thinking
4. I have become more aware of my daily activities and experience as i am constantly thinking about what to share
5. My experience can be a source of help and inspiration for others...and if they are not helpful, people can immediately decide not to tune in
6. I read more and more widely as it helps to generate ideas for blogging as it relates to what i do and how I live
7. When i share, I decompress :-)
For those of you who has been reading my blog, thanks for the visits and feel free to comment. Also feel free to share my blog...
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