Friday, February 13, 2009

When Help becomes an obligation

"Help" - According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary is to "give assistance or support to, to make more pleasant or bearable, to be of use to..."

Help usually extends from someone who has something of value to another who desire the value in question.

Help is beautiful when the one giving is willing and the one receiving is grateful.

Help sparkles when the one receiving says "Thank you".

When Help becomes an "expectation", an "obligation", a "demand", an "insistence", and worst still when it becomes a source of complaint from the receiver to the one providing the assistance, then help takes on a new meaning - a bad word.

Help will no longer be as helpful, as beautiful and loses its sparkle.

I ended my day today receiving an email that makes "Help" and "helping" unhelpful words. There was no gratitude. Even though it was not about me, I can't help but feel that help is being taken for granted.

Do we need any reminder to be grateful when we receive help? I hope NOT!

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