Monday, February 9, 2009

Counting Blessings...

1. A wife that I delight in and whose presence I enjoy

2. Three healthy, happy kids whom I adore with all my heart

3. A great career

4. Great bosses - past, present and future

5. Wonderful colleagues

6. Parents who still dote on me :-)

7. Laughter still fills my day

8. A beautiful house and a comfortable home

9. Meaningful work

10. Colleagues who care beyond work

11. A nice old 20-year old car whose sight I behold

12. A healthy body

13. Having enough to enjoy what I like

14. A bunch of good friends

15. Wonderful church where I can count on to get my spiritual feeding and support

16. Kids who adores me

17. A pond with beautiful kois that I could only dream of in my own backyard

18. Education at Harvard (albeit short one at AMP) fulfilling my childhood dream

19. Able to enjoy 2 models of Apple iPhone although for only 2 weeks each

20. To have a savior who died for my sins so that I may live life more abundantly, that his body was pierced so that mine can be whole, that he took all my sins (past, present and future) so that I may be his righteous, that he became poor so I may be rich, that he distanced himself from God at the cross so that I might call God my Abba father and enjoy an eternal relationship of love, grace and mercy.

There are so many blessings to count that I have decided not to continue my previous list of pet peeves. I would rather spend time counting my blessings :-)

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