Sunday, February 24, 2008

The NOSE Study says...

Ever since my successful surgery (balloon sinuplasty, septoplasty and turbinate reduction) in Jan 2008, a silent lingering thought ever so gently whispers "...the blocked nose will soon come back". My new found freedom of being able to breathe well again through both sides of my nose is something too precious for me to give up!

Tonight, I decided that I will search the web to see what does the literature out there says. I did the most obvious thing, I googled the term "septoplasty research" and an entire list followed. The most interesting is the NOSE study, a multi-centre clinical research study conducted by the American Academy of Otolaryntology and the Head & Neck Surgery Foundation. NOSE stands for "Nasal Obstruction Symptoms Evaluation Scale". It is a study to see if nasal septoplasty increase the quality of life in factors such sleep pattern, snoring, smell, improves nasal obstruction and if the improvements are sustained.

The conclusion is that Nasal septoplasty with or without turbinate reduction reduces nasal congestion, trouble sleeping, etc and the improvements are sustained for at least 6 months. This is good news! I want more and will certainly be on the look out for other studies to see if improvements are sustained for longer period of time. I am optimistic...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think Ureter Cancer is the malignant proliferation of the cells of the bladder.This cancer most often originates in transitional cells,which are cells in the lining of the bladder.