Thursday, February 7, 2008

FESS, The older Cousin of Balloon Sinuplasty

FESS is an acronym for Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery. 'Functional" because the surgery is intended to restore the natural clearing function of the sinus. Due to the advancement in surgical technique, this surgery is performed through the nostril without the need for facial incision using fibreoptic telescope and small cameras to enlarge the drainage pathways of the sinuses. Diseased tissues and bones are removed to open up the sinuses. According to what I have read, complications are rare but possible because the sinus structures are so close to the eys and brain.

The balloon sinuplasty procedure operates on the same principle as angioplasty, which uses an inflated balloon to unblock blood vessels. According to most literature that I have read, the advantage of sinuplasty when compared to FESS is that it preserves the mucous membrane and does not disrupt the structures or tissues in the sinuses... and patient seem to heal faster.

Balloon sinuplasty was approved by the US Food and Drug Administration during the summer of 2005. A study of 115 people who have undergone sinuplasty showed that there is no difference in outcome at 1 year mark but there is no long-term research so far on its success rate.

If one has as complicated a problem that I had, one will need to consider beyond the difference between FESS and Balloon sinuplasty. As in my case, I had to undergo a septoplasty with concurrent surgical shaping of my turbinates. More about these in my subsequent posts.

Happy Lunar New Year - The Year of the Rat!!

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